Trainer: Sandy Galea
3 Videos | 10 Exercises
Suitable for church leaders, parents, kids ministry volunteers, church members
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 What does it mean to let the children come? What might hinder them in coming? When we picture the kingdom of God, where do children fit in that picture?
This course is designed to help a church community come together - church leaders, kids ministry volunteers, parents and church members - and explore these important words of Jesus, and consider what it means to let the little children entrusted to their care come to him.
The course comes complete with video input from Sandy Galea as well as exercises to stimulate and facilitate discussion in groups and pairs. There are also self-reflection activities and time set aside for prayer. There is a handout for the person facilitating the training. This handout has extra notes to help guide them in their role and the preparation needed prior to the training. There is also a handout for people attending the training. Both pdfs need to be downloaded and printed prior to the training day.
To view a sample of the facilitator handout click below
This course has a two month limited access. So the purchasing of the course, the previewing of the material and the running of the training needs to be completed within that two month period.